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Basic configuration of the VedaPulse® Professional system

Software modules

• Special extended version subscription (20 modules)

• Full version of annual subscription (30 modules)

• Analysis

• Recommendations

Additional devices


Repair parts

Special themed kits

Add/Update subscription


Fields marked with * are mandatory

Data Entry Device VedaPulse Professional

The Basic version of the VedaPulse® Professional software has the following functions:

Academic module
  • Monitoring - ECG recording
  • Heart rate variability analysis (HRV)
  • Spectral analysis
  • Histogram
  • Medical and physiological conclusion
  • FREE 1 YEAR subscription to the software

VedaPulse® Basic version can be upgraded with additional software modules designed to cater to the needs of any practitioner. The list of the modules is shown in the pricing calculator on the right.

Ensuring Instant Support and Constant Innovation

Your VedaPulse® subscription plan guarantees you free software core and module updates, technical support, cloud service and data security. There's even more to it!

To maintain the functionality of your VedaPulse® system, an active annual subscription is required. It is paid once a year and applies to the whole range of purchased software modules. The annual subscription fee amount can be found on the left side of the screen in the calculator. Please contact us after finalizing the payment of the subscription fee to activate (please provide us with the order number and date).

Additional devices and accessories

VedaQuantum 2.0

VedaEHF device

Aсupuncture device VedaLaser 2.0


VedaPulse® carry bag

Signal cable

Disposable one-time use electrodes (50 pieces)

ECG electrodes

ECG electrodes for Children

Signal cable 3 electrodes

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VedaPulse® News