Functional diagnosis is a software module for the VedaPulse Professional system that is designed for in-depth analysis of a current pathological health condition (Vikruti in Ayurveda), helping you to understand and localize true reasons of health problems of your clients.
The module provides in-depth analysis of the root cause of the disease by assessing the functioning of the regulatory systems or Subdoshas, the state of tissues (Dhatu) and the balance of the five Primary elements (Pancha Maha Bhuta).
Functional diagnosis module is designed to help CAM practitioners conduct a multifactorial analysis of the client's condition, identify the root cause of a disorder and reverse the development of the disease while it's still at the level of functional disturbances, before systemic morphological changes (structural changes in organs and tissues) occur in the body. In case the disorder has crossed the line of structural changes, the module will be your tool to development a comprehensive recreation program.
Sanskrit word “dosha” literally means “something which causes disease when out of balance”. The equivalents of doshas in modern physiology are considered to be the regulation systems of the body (nervous, endocrine and immune systems). Violations in their functioning lead to the development of different pathologies. The concept of Subdoshas is a part of the larger concept of Dosha, where three main systems of regulation are presented by special subdivisions associated either with a particular part of the body or one of its specific functions.
There are fifteen Subdoshas - five for each Maha (big) Dosha. Simply put, there are five types of Wind, five types of Fire, and five types of Water (Mucus/Phlegm).
SubDosha – the analysis of subtle components of a human body:
Apana Vayu (descending nervous impulses), Samana Vayu (nervous system controlling digestion), Udana Vayu (cervical nervous plexus and phrenic nerve), Vyana Vayu (transfer of Prana and internal secretion), Prana Vayu (controls assimilation of Prana and tissue respiration).
Pachaka Pitta (the fire of digestion), Ranjaka Pitta (the fire of blood, spleen and liver), Bhrajaka Pitta (the fire of the skin), Alochaka Pitta (the fire of vision), Sadhaka Pitta (the fire of mind).
Tarpaka Kapha (the fluid associated with the spinal spaces), Bodhaka Kapha (the fluid of oropharynx and ENT cavities), Sleshaka Kapha (the joint fluid), Avalambaka Kapha (the basic fluid medium of the body), Kledaka Kapha (the fluid of mucous membranes of the proximal gastrointestinal tract).
Additional materials:
Subdoshas. Part I:
Subdoshas. Part II:
Subdoshas. Part
III: Kapha-dosha
Dhatu – energy and metabolic condition of the tissues. The module evaluates the level of Ama (metabolic waste) accumulation in the srotas (channels of energy exchange between tissues).
PanchaMahaBhuta – the analysis of Primary elements balance in the body (ether – Akasha, air – Vayu, fire – Agni, water – Jala, earth – Prithvi) and their interrelationship (Wheel of Destruction and Restraint) as an equivalent of systemic regulation mechanisms. By analyzing the balance of main elements in the body, it is possible to find the initial cause of the imbalance of doshas, as each of them consists of 2 elements and each element’s imbalance should be approached differently.
Additional materials:
Pancha Maha Bhuta"Functional diagnosis" is designed for all professionals, who use methods of traditional medicine in their practice and consult on a healthy lifestyle.