Working with biologically active points is one of the oldest ways of influencing the human health. Zhen Jiu therapy is the most effective system of BAP treatment in traditional Chinese medicine. It includes two methods of working with BAPs: 針 Zhen – inserting the needles and Jiu 灸– warming up the point with moxas or cones. Currently there are many other methods of working with BAPs: electric current, laser and LED radiation, electromagnetic fields, etc. The Acupuncture module solves many tasks that a specialist faces. It is designed for creating an acupuncture prescription for treatment, prevention and general health improvement. The prescription is based on the individual constitution, meridional balance and biorhythmic peculiarities of a person.
Using additional equipment, the specialist can use the telemetry function and receive all the necessary data for the preparation of the prescription and tracking the functional state of the patient at a distance using the home device VedaPulse Home. In addition to the software module Acupuncture, we recommend to acquire laser device of physiotherapy effect – VedaLaser with the function of automatic search of acupuncture points.
Our company holds educational webinars addressing both theoretical and practical issues of usage of the extension. The implementation of VedaPulse and the special expert module Acupuncture with an Atlas of acupuncture points makes it possible to create individual recommendations for each patient within 5 minutes.
To get acquainted with the practical application of the software extension, we recommend you to watch a free webinar on Acupuncture, where a reflexologist, a specialist in CAM, reviews the main methods of influence on the point and algorithms for the application of these methods on a new expert module Acupuncture.
Features of the Acupuncture module for VedaPulse Professional:
Download a sample Report, generated by the expert module Acupuncture
In addition, a single assessment on VedaPulse allows you to create an individual recipe for 4 days, taking into account the time factor (the time is selected by the user). Description for each recipe explains the direction of influence of the points and the principles of their combination, and the acupuncture recipe is interactive and allows you to view the location of each point and has a detailed description of its 6 parameters.
• The Acupuncture expert module allows selecting the type of manipulation based on the classical approaches of the TCM. By choosing the method Zhen the practitioner will be able to generate a customized prescription for acupuncture, acupressure, cubo/seed therapy, plates and/or correctors application, electropuncture, magnet therapy and various electromagnetic fields. Method Jiu is helpful for specialists applying warming up of the points with absinthial cigars (moxas) or cones, laser therapy, thermopuncture, quantum therapy, light or color therapy.
• Our software generates an individual acupuncture prescription based on the constitutional and biorhythmic peculiarities of the client from the perspective of Ayurveda (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), and TCM. Combination of points also uses the connection to time factor through the ancient biorhythmic theories Zi Wu Liu Zhu and Ling Gui Ba Fa. Nosological filter allows choosing preventative or therapeutic mode of prescriptions for 244 different conditions. By choosing the function “normalization of the functional state”, you can create a prescription for any initial state. Nosological filter also takes into account acute and chronic conditions. You can also edit the prescription: remove and/or add acupuncture points from the Atlas. Save the recipe with detailed description and illustrations on your computer and send it to the patient.
• The module is equipped with an interactive guide that allows you to see any point, read its description in both European and traditional Chinese interpretation. The Atlas of acupuncture points contains information about 361 points located on 12 main and 2 medial meridians. It presents the name of a point in three nomenclatures: English (recommended by WHO), French and Chinese name of the point with translation into Russian. A specialist can use the description of points and the recipe for educational purposes. Each recipe supplies an explanation of the direction of influence of points and the principles of their combination.
Taking into account the standard recommendations for pulse diagnosis, we conduct a five-minute recording of the heart rhythm on VedaPulse. The purpose of this assessment is to determine the current state of the constitution (VIKRUTI — the term used in Ayurveda) and to assess the energy state of the meridians. Note. In the VedaPulse program VIKRUTI is displayed in the BALANCE tab, and the energy of the meridians in the tab Meridians. The definition of VIKRUTI is one of the basic functions of the VedaPulse program, and Meridians is an additional expert module recommended to be acquired additionally to assess rehabilitation in dynamics.
After the assessment, open the Acupuncture tab and select the disease in the nosological filter. After that, the program instantly, automatically creates an acupuncture recipe.
You can also use the atlas of BAP. To switch to this mode, you need to turn off the nosological filter. When you select the OFF mode in the nosological filter, you can select a channel in the menu of BAP atlas, and then a specific point of this channel.
When creating this recipe, the following factors are taken into account:
In both modes, when working with the nosological filter and with the acupuncture recipe, and in the reference mode of BAP atlas, it is possible to switch to the demonstration of BAP and the channel. For this purpose, at the bottom of the figure there is a switch — Meridian/BAP.
The authors of the expert module Acupuncture are: an Executive Director of the Biokvant company, Ph.D. Oleg Sorokin and a specialist of the R&D department, acupuncture specialist, Ph.D. Sergey Kosintsev. When creating the Acupuncture module they relied on the standard professional training of Zhen-Jiu therapy in China, Golden recipes of TCM, methods adopted in the domestic and European schools of reflexology (Russian school of reflexology by V. G. Vogralik and O. G. Kogan, and the Italian school of acupuncture Giovanni Maciocia). All recipes have been repeatedly used in medical practice by the authors of the expert module Acupuncture.
Acupuncture software module will be useful for professionals practicing traditional ways of working with biologically active points (massage, acupuncture and moxibustion) and for specialists using modern devices: