Thermography - a brand new module for functional diagnostics of pathological processes in musculoskeletal system and organs based on a safe and non-invasive method of medical thermography (thermal imaging).
Thermography is an innovative diagnostic method based on measuring temperature gradients of the thermal field in the infrared range of electromagnetic radiation of a human body. There is a deep connection between changes in temperature gradients on human skin and processes occurring in the body.
The module captures and displays a thermal map of the infrared image of a human body or its parts (thyroid, mammary glands, vasclular system, musculoskeletal system and others). Changes in the temperature gradient are associated with reflex regulation of cutaneous hemodynamics by the autonomic nervous system, as well as changes in blood filling in the subcutaneous vascular tree in reflexogenic zones corresponding to a particular internal organ.
Thermography module is designed for thermal imaging diagnostics of acute and chronic inflammatory and other pathological processes, based on the formation of a projective thermal map of the human body, as well as evaluating the dynamics of the complex rehabilitation process.
* functional diagnostics of various inflammatory processes in internal organs and tissues;
* pain management;
* assessment of the degree of activity of pathological process in large joints and spine (rheumatoid arthritis, primary deforming osteoarthritis, scapulohumeral periarthritis, sacroileitis, spondylarthritis, spinal osteochondrosis);
* thermography of the degree of activity of pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, duodenitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, hepatosis, colitis);
* thermography of vascular disorders (phlebitis, varicose veins, diabetic angiopathy, blood and lymph stasis);
* thermographic assessment of early disorders in the peripheral nervous system (polyneuropathies of various etiologies);
* breast thermography screening (examination of the mammary glands of women in order to carry out preventive measures for mastopathy and other breast diseases);
* thermography of the bronchopulmonary system (pneumonia, bronchial asthma, pleurisy, pneumofibrosis);
* thermography of the urinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis);
* thermography of disorders in the reproductive system (fibroids, inflammatory processes);
* express thermography of ENT diseases (maxillitis, frontitis, sinusitis);
* thermography of dental diseases of various origin;
* thermal imaging control in sports medicine, physiotherapy, cosmetology;
* experimental medicine (research of the influence of new dosage forms, physical factors, and functional physiological loads on the human body).
The Encyclopedia of the Thermography module is an interactive guidebook that contains information about the anatomical topography of the internal organs' projection zones. Comparing the location of these zones with the patient's thermogram, the specialist will be able to conduct a more accurate analysis of the thermogram data, assess the localized temperature changes on the human body in a particular projection zone.
To do this, select the desired area/zone from the drop-down list on the left and this zone will be highlighted in a separate image, and the description text will be displayed in the text field below.
Thermography module allows wellness specialists to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the client's condition, identify functional changes in the work of organs and systems, and track the effectiveness of a comprehensive rehabilitation program.