Free webinars on holistic medicine from VedaPulse this December


We invite you to take part in VedaPulse online lectures on practical aspects of traditional medicine. Check out the schedule of webinars in December, choose the ones that will work for you. Fill out the short registration form on the event page to get a direct link to join the webinar. Enjoy the lecture!

13 types of agni (digestive fire) in Ayurveda

In today’s society, life is so fast and time goes on in the blink of an eye. We see transformation all around us, watching kids grow up, watching our parents age, watching the seasons change, but we seldom spend time to look within and witness our own transformation that occurs on a daily basis, not to mention on a meal by meal basis.

We often find ourselves with discomforts or displeasure in our body with quick fixes, such as popping a pill or trying a fad diet, instead of leveraging those cues to understand how we should change our diet and lifestyle for sustainable results.

The fuel we give our body in the form of wholesome and nourishing food, is an investment not only for physical health but mental health as well. When we understand the transformation that goes on in our body through this process, we have the power to use it toward our advantage to maintain good health.

In this webinar series, we will bring to light time tested concepts from ancient Ayurveda, many of which have yet to be discovered by modern science.

02 December, 09 December 2020


Efficiency of Acqua Chi therapies (frequencies’ emission through water) tested with Vedapulse

The energetic memory of water and its properties as a means of transfer are the basis of our System Acqua Chi: an innovative healing system through water and frequencies. This therapeutic system, developed by Luis Alberto Cuenca in Venezuela, consists of the application of the personalized energy required by our body using water as a means of transfer through different procedures.

Psychologist and certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher Manuel Patiño has measured the results of all these 5 therapeutic methods, following a pre-post therapy assessment protocol with Vedapulse, confirming their powerful effects against stress and specific health issues. Besides, he is sharing his own experience using the healing power of water and AcquaChi to heal and improve his life.

04 December, 2020


Come funziona il sistema VedaPulse®: ruolo di ogni programma nella diagnosi e nel trattamento

Il sistema VedaPulse è rivolto a tutti gli specialisti, terapisti, medici e utenti di questo dispositivo® in una sessione educativa sul corretto funzionamento di questo sistema nei diversi moduli.

A tutti i colleghi del mondo francofono, la società VedaPulse® ha l’onore di fornire una spiegazione dettagliata di come funziona il dispositivo.

4 Dicembre, 2020


Tiroides y Metabolismo, desde el Ayurveda y la Medicina Moderna

La glándula tiroides es muy importante como eje del metabolismo de nuestro cuerpo, y es clave para la gestión de la energia y del peso corporal entre otras funciones.

En las últimas décadas parecen aumentar las alteraciones del tiroides (hipo o hipertiroidismo y tiroiditis autoinmunes), así que revisaremos la tiroides desde la medicina moderna y el Ayurved.

08 December, 2020


Adrenal fatigue management through food, herbs, spicies

Fatigue is one of the common symptoms we see every day.

When people are unable to manage stress effectively, they suffer physical, mental and nervous exhaustion, leading to ill-health and diminished quality of life.

09 December, 2020
