Adrenal fatigue management through food, herbs, spicies (Sonia Tigero, 09.12.20, webinar)

09 December, 2020
9:00 am EST (US), 3:00 pm CET
Language: English


Adrenal fatigue management

Fatigue is one of the common symptoms we see every day.

When people are unable to manage stress effectively, they suffer physical, mental and nervous exhaustion, leading to ill-health and diminished quality of life.

If you are experiencing:

  • Constant tiredness;
  • Inability to cope with stress;
  • Low libido and sexual interest;
  • Lower back pain around kidneys area;
  • Foggy mind and irritation;
  • Craving for sweet foods;
  • Yawning and laziness;
  • Recurrent infections;
  • Wake up very tired.

Probably you are suffering from adrenal fatigue.

I will share with you the best recipes for lunch, breakfast and dinner along with the most important herbs from the Ayurveda herbal pharmacy.


Vedic chef Sonia Tigero

  • Ayurveda Ptractitioner;
  • Ayurvedic food and nutrition consultant;
  • Chef instructorfounder and executive chef of Dosha Ayurveda Cafe. The first and only ayurveda cafe in South Florida.