VedaPulse – 2023: the results of the year

The VedaPulse Company wishes all of our colleagues and partners a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We appreciate and respect the community of professionals, which has been united by VedaPulse technology for more than 17 years, and their loyalty to the ideas of traditional medicine in helping patients.

Traditionally, in December we recall the main events of the passing year and share the plans for 2024

New VedaPulse products - your new features!

New modules

2023 was rich in new module releases. We have introduced as many as three new diagnostic modules:


Is an innovation that is particularly appreciated by nutritionists. The module allows you to carry out a complete functional check-up of the body, assess and compensate for the risks of developing more than 50 pathological conditions in the vital systems of the patient's body.

Learn more about the module


All major health indices are now gathered in one module. The block of indices for assessment of a person's functional state has received important additions and has become a separate full-fledged module - Indices.

Learn more about the module


The module allows you to identify the connection between the unique signs of the eye iris and diseases of internal organs, helping to determine the correct therapy strategy.

Learn more about the module
nonlinear dynamics

Nonlinear dynamics

Is an essential tool for scientific research. The module allows you to explore the chaotic nature of the heart rate, fluctuations in the recording process and the fractal, self-similar structure of the ECG signal.

Learn more about the module

Updating modules

The Constitution software module has received important updates: the new Prakriti section.

The Prakriti Test has been added to the module. This is the latest software solution for determining Prakriti based on an assessment of the balance of ten Gunas pairs (material qualities) for Ayurveda specialists.

Learn more about the section

Special configurations

Among the special configurations, three new configurations have been created with the needs of practitioners in mind:

VedaQuantum 2.0

vedaquantum 2.0

Last year, the VedaPulse team presented a completely new product - a professional device for physiotherapy - VedaQuantum 2.0, which combines the effects of four factors - mechanotherapy (vacuum massage), temperature (heating), magnetic therapy, quantum therapy. It can be used in combination with the Quantum Physiotherapy, Acupuncture and Osteopathy software modules of the VedaPulse Professional device as part of the creation of a personalized recipe for reflexogenic zones and acupuncture points stimulation.

Learn more about the device



In February 2023, VedaPulse co-organized the VI Annual International Online Congress AYURVEDA TODAY-2022: Ayurveda&Hormones. 21 world-class experts from Russia, India, the USA and other countries presented practical reports and recommendations on maintaining hormonal health using Ayurvedic tools and methods.

Join the VII International Online Congress AYURVEDA TODAY: AYURVEDA - THE ANCIENT SCIENCE OF HEALING, which will be held on 3 and 4 February, 2024. Online format, you may register now. Book a place and get acquainted with the detailed Congress program on the website.

In 2023 VedaPulse has organized 17 open online educational lectures on applicative aspects of traditional medicine in Russian, English and Spanish. Watch the recordings and register for future lectures in the Events section.

The VedaPulse technology was presented at the largest exhibitions and conferences dedicated to traditional medicine, such as the Annual forum of specialists in the field of nutrition, integrative medicine and healthy lifestyle "Nutrislet" in Moscow, the Siberian Forum on Wellness and Medical Tourism in Belokurikha, the medical forum "INDEX MED" in Novosibirsk, Annual conference "Healing Forces of Russia - the bridge between the past and the future", organized by the Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional Medicine Specialists in Moscow, the Interregional scientific and practical conference "Topical issues of rehabilitation", organized with the support of the Ministry of Health of the Novosibirsk region in Novosibirsk, the XVII All-Russian Scientific and Practical conference of reflexologists within the framework of the exhibition "Reflexotherapy and Rehabilitation Medicine-2023" in Moscow, Conference of nutritionists of the International Institute of Integrative Nutritionology (IIN) in St. Petersburg, X educational scientific and practical conference EDPRO "Professions of the XXI century" in Moscow. VedaPulse partners in the Baltic States presented the technology at the most important regional medical exhibition Medbaltica-2023.

Plans for 2024

In spring we are planning a workshop where users will be able to meet each other and the developers of the system, share experiences and be among the first to test new products of 2023-2024.

In the coming year, VedaPulse is scheduled to participate in the ExpoMED Eurasia 2024 exhibition in Istanbul in April and in the China International Import Exhibition (CILE) 2024 in Shanghai in November.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We wish you sound Siberian health, well-being and success in your practician sphere with the VedaPulse Professional complex!

VedaPulse® News