Our Team proudly presents the latest development in the line of the VedaPulse software modules - Thermography (thermal imaging)!


Thermography is an innovative diagnostic method based on measuring temperature gradients of the thermal field in the infrared range of electromagnetic radiation of the human body. There is a deep connection between changes in temperature gradients on human skin and processes occurring in the body.

It's not only a module, but a complete set for most accurate thermal imaging - an innovative module, a sharp hi-res IR camera and everything you need to perform this procedure at the comfort of your office.

Thermography is a 100% safe imaging test that can provide a detailed overview of you client's problems and a road map to improve health, wellness and longevity. Thermography is non-invasive and painless, involves no radiation, no contact, private and extremely accurate.

Benefit from:

Become the first to introduce medical thermography into your holistic practice with VedaPulse technology - expand the frontiers of your practice!