EHF Therapy

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"EHF Therapy" extension is designed for reflexology specialists, who use EHF devices in their practice. It allows creating an individual EHF prescription for the treatment, prevention and health improvement with due consideration of the patient’s constitution, current energy level in the system of channels and biorhythmic activity of acupuncture points.

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Extremely high frequency (EHF) is the ITU designation for the band of radio frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum from 30 to 300 gigahertz, above which electromagnetic radiation is considered to be low (or far) infrared light, also referred to as terahertz radiation.

EHF Therapy extension has the following features:

Basic functions of the "EHF Therapy" extension:

Individual recipe is based on the constitutional, meridional and biorhythmic characteristics of the patient. It takes into account both Ayurvedic (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) and TCM (Qi distribution in the meridians, open points time) profiles. There are 235 different prescriptions in the nosological filter, which are divided into 2 categories: for acute and chronic conditions. Moreover, by selecting “normalization of the functional state” from the nosological menu. a customized prescription for any default condition is formed.

By using additional equipment, a specialist is able to use telemetric function and obtain all data for the prescriptions and keeping track of the patient’s condition on a distance via special home use device called “VedaPulse Home”.
It is most effective to use the expert module EHF therapy combined with “VedaEHF” Device
Our company gives educational webinars, where theoretical and practical questions on the application of the “EHF Therapy" extension are being discussed.

A few words about the "EHF Therapy"

EHF therapy is a method of influence with electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequencies (EHF EMR) on biologically active points and zones of the human body for therapeutic and wellness purposes. From a physical point of view, EHF range is associated with the millimeter part of the specter, which corresponds to frequencies from 30 to 300 GHz. EMR EHF is characterized by coherence and low signal intensity, i.e. tissue heating does not exceed 0.1° C during the EHF procedures. Thus, it refers to the methods with non-thermal effect. Non-thermal mechanism of EHF makes it absolutely safe for the patient. Use the frequency with a wavelength of 7.1 mm (42,25 GHz), 5.6 mm (53,57 GHz), 4,9 mm (61,22 GHz) 2,53 mm (118,57 GHz), as well as "EHF-noise" with the range of 40 — 80 GHz for medical and recreational purpose.

For the first time in the world EHF EMR was applied in the USSR in 1960 years, a great contribution to the study of this spectrum was made by a team of scientists under the leadership of academician N. Devyatkov. Monitoring of EHF biological effects has allowed to formulate the basic theories of its mechanism, and here are some examples:

N. Deviatkov and M. Golant proposed a theory, which connects the primary effect of the EHF-radiation with the biological objects’ common structures, such as protein-clinging enzymes, cell membranes etc. These structures have electric dipole moments with the personal frequencies that match with the range of millimeter waves. The impact of external EHF EMR initiates acoustic electric waves in cell membranes. Cell starts generating control signals for restorative and adaptive processes with formation of new membranes and membrane complexes. EHF imitates the internal control signals similar to those produced by the cells under different conditions of vital activity; it provides the efficiency of the EHF EMR influence on animals and humans. [N. Devyatkov, et al., 1987; M. Golant et al., 1987].

According to the works of O. Petrov and I. Betskoy, the primary target of EHF EMR is water molecules. "EHF-pumping" of water in the upper layers of the skin is accompanied by the increase in fraction of rotary-volatile water molecules with high chemical activity. Their collisions with weakly hydrated surface can be the channel for the transmission of excitation into deeper layers of the skin, where aquatic-sensitive input elements of the regulatory system are located. This thermalization of the water molecules dispersed within the surface layers is able to displace the critical parameters of the trigger systems. Change in the degree of the cell membrane protein hydration leads to a conformational changes that affect the ionic transport and activity of ATP-synthesis in the energy-producing membranes. The synthesis of ATP and its accumulation stipulates the physiological effects of stimulation. The ultimate effect on the organism is formed with the participation of neurohumoral system and depends on the irradiation zone [A. Betsky et al., 1989; I. Petrov et al., 1989].

Features of EHF therapy:

Main therapeutic effects of the EHF-therapy:

Target audience

"EHF Therapy" is designed for professionals using instrumental reflexology, physiopuncture, as well as for those who would like to master the skills of EHF therapy. It will also be useful:


VedaPulse recommends:

  • "Meridians" is an expert extension to VedaPulseTM Professional designed to assess the functional state of the 12 vital organs in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

  • “VedaEHF” device is designed for providing healing and health-improving effect on biologically active points (BAP) and zones by extremely high frequencies (EHF). The device has three modes: universal 5-minute mode (for influencing BAPs), universal 10-minute mode (for reflex zones and vessels projection exposure), and a unique natural resonant radiation (NRR) mode, which provides energoinformational effect (electronic homeopathy). Best working in combination with the extension "EHF Therapy" of the "VedaPulse Professional" device.

  • VedaPulse Home is a compact device that allows to independently monitor your own state, keep a health diary, exchange data with a specialist for a timely control and advice, as well as for performing autogenic training to boost the process of the body’s self-regulation.