Online-seminar: Spleen/Pancreas channel, diagnosis and methods of influence


Start at:June 30th, 2016 at 2:00 PM (UTC/GMT) or 10:00 AM (EDT, New York Time)
Payment: $15.00
Duration: 1 hour
Expert: manager of technical support department of the "Biokvant" company (the webinar is based on the materials of the expert, PhD, reflexologist, specialist of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Sergey Kosintsev) Anastasia Nikonova

Short description

This webinar introduces Spleen/Pancreas channel, anatomical and topographical features of the meridian, its projection area and functional use, the main points belonging to the system, as well as practical recommendations on the Spleen/Pancreas channel passing.

Program of the online seminar:

- Spleen/Pancreas channel, its main characteristics, projection area and functional use;
- Points of Power for the Spleen/Pancreas channel;
- Technique of the Spleen/Pancreas channel passing.

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