VedaPulse® Software Update February 19, 2021

In this update, the following new functions and optimization have been added:

  • Update of Osteopathy software module;
  • ‘Clear Report’ service button has been added;
  • Herbal Encyclopedia and Aroma Encyclopedia – Spanish and Arabic translation of the herbs and oils has been added.

To start using the new features of the software, please download the Update.

New awesome feature of the Osteopathy module!

The updated Osteopathy software module shows innervation zones on the body image according to the visceral-neuronal connections (these zones may reveal themselves with an impaired sensitivity in the zone, feeling of discomfort and pain due to pathologies presented in the corresponding vertebrae).

After the assessment on the VedaPulse® device, the program algorithm analyzes the vertebrovisceral connections with organs and systems, defines possible pathologies and their localization automatically and colors each zone in one of four possible colors depending on the condition:

  • Light green – wide range of normal condition;
  • Pink – tendency to exacerbation of the chronic dorsopathy;
  • Red — exacerbation of the chronic dorsopathy;
  • Yellow – chronic vertebral dorsopathy in the vertebra associated with a particular zone.

Highlighted innervations zones allow you to find the links between vertebral pathologies and sensory symptoms in the body.

If a client complains of feeling pain in the left arm, just run a VedaPulse test and instantly identify the vertebra, which is responsible for this. Such an option minimizes the chances of making mistakes with data interpretation and ensures better understanding of the overall clinical picture of the disorder. Use this feature in such practices as osteopathy, massage, kinesiology, acupuncture and other manual techniques.

Want to give this module a try? Leave us a message here contact us via email

Wonder how to delete the text of the report with just one click?

Starting from today, ‘Clear Report’ button will help you remove all the data that was previously generated in the report.

VedaPulse® News