"VedaPulse" software update September 24, 2015
List of changes:
New module "Dynamics" was added.
It is designed to evaluate changes within one assessment and across few assessments.
To analyze an assessment’s data one needs to switch to "Indexes" during recording of a signal. The switch is located
in the lower left corner of the ECG signal’s registration window (Signal/Indexes).
This mode will be useful for professionals to see the response of the body during the therapeutic treatment. This
shows changes of important parameters such as stamina (Total Power), stress index, ratio of mobilizing and restoring
The second option — estimation of dynamics across multiple assessments, it’s primarily designed for studying the dynamics of functional state of the patient during the entire course of treatment. It is especially useful for those professionals who work with regular customers who have "VedaPulse Home" and send their assessments using the module "Synchronization".
To study the dynamics across several assessments one needs to cross to the tab "Dynamics", mark the necessary assessment in the assessments’ list, choose the desired settings and press "Plot a chart". It is important that you can select any of the indices and parameters, that is, to use absolutely all data, which are presented in the modules contained in the section "Results".
New module "Yoga" was added.
Expert extension "Yoga" is designed for specialists of Ayurveda, yoga therapy, physical therapy, post-traumatic
rehabilitation, naturopathy. The new extension allows you to choose the right asanas to finalize the program of
training according to the constitution and functional status.
Updated extension "Acupuncture".
In the authentic sources of traditional Chinese medicine, the mode of exposure determines the structure of the
acupuncture prescription. Following the classical approaches in the updated module, "Acupuncture", we have added the
ability to work according to the classical methods of TCM – Zhen (acupuncture) and Jiu (moxibustion).
Both methods have their own, unique patterns and recipes that allow to use modern methods of influence on biological active points. So, using the algorithm Zhen one gets the opportunity to use acupuncture, acupressure, electropuncture, tsubo and seed therapy, application of plates and/or correctors, magnetic therapy and any kind of electromagnetic influence.
Jiu includes methods of warming with absinthial cigars or cones, laser therapy, thermopuncture, quantum therapy,
light and color therapy. Acupuncture is intended for selection of acupuncture prescription for the treatment. The
recipe is tailored to the individual constitution of the patient, his meridional balance, and biorhythmic
peculiarities of a person. Updated software is based on the classical approach of "Zhen" and "Jiu", it allows
specialists working with biological active points to reach a new level in the therapy. For professionals who
understand the structure of the recipe we added the edit function,now you may do it using the right mouse button.
For all users of the expert expansion "Reflexology" software upgrade is for FREE – just download a new distribution
file from our website. A presentation of this expert extension can be found in the archive of webinars.
Distributive in now multi-language.
Earlier you had to install software in different languages in different folders, now in spite of the language you
choose when initially installing the Software, all languages are being installed at once. To choose a language go
to: Options/Language.
The set of languages available for a specific user will depend on their individual configuration of USB-key. In
demo-version regime (without USB-key), all languages will be available. Currently, we have the following languages:
Russian, English, Arabic, Italian, German, Spanish, Turkish, and Finnish.
At installation, the Software will be installed to the following folder: C:\Biokvant\VedaPulse
In order to make it easier to search and move all clients’ databases, installed in the previous versions of the Software, at the final installation stage you will be offered to run an utility that will automatically find all databases on the computer. Delete the ones you don’t need and click “Move data” and utility will move them to the new version. Moreover, if you have cards with the same names in different databases, they will be transferred to the new database separately.
Improved data in modules (adjusted herbs formulas according the sources – dravyaguna, indications and contraindications):
- Aroma – increased nosological filter. Before it only contained psychoemotional disorders, now in order to select essential oils, a full list of diseases is used as in Herbal therapy, Food Supplements, Diet and other modules;
- Herbal therapy;
- Diet;
Increased nosological filter for modules in Recommendations section.
We added “Notes” option for assessments.
It is visible in all tabs of “Results” section. Use it to add comments to an assessment.
Now you can export data from the Spectrum. In Spectrum tab in the left drop-down menu (to the left of the Spectrum)
we added two buttons:
- Export of the data in text format (txt). In addition, if you change the format of the file to csv – comma separated values, you will receive an Excel table. If you keep the txt format, you will be able to open the file in any notepad.
- Copying the table in communication buffer for pasting in Conclusion or in the following programs: Microsoft
Office Word, Excel, OpenOffice.
In both cases the following data is copied: number, frequency, power range. New function is mainly aimed at
conducting scientific research. In particular, it allows to study the spreading of spectral peaks and their
power. Besides researchers, we also recommend this function for advanced practicing users for detailed study of
the dynamics after each particular treatment. The thing is that changes in the functional state usually lead to
the moving of spectral peaks, and only then we can detect it by seeing changes in fixed diapasons’ ranges: VLF,
We recommend everyone who wants to detect the “first push” in changing of the functional state before it can be seen in any of the indexes, to use this new option which we now have in the program.
We optimized the program activity during editing of ECG.
The slowness that appeared on low power computers was
Download the new
VedaPulse Professional Software
We recommend to delete old versions of the Software first.