VedaPulse software update, May 31, 2016

List of free add-ons and optimizations:

  • “Dynamics” expert module has been updated
  • Function of selecting two-parameter nosological filter has been added
  • Herbal rating calculation algorithm has been optimized
  • Data import from other HRV devices to VedaPulse is now available
  • New herbs, essential oils and optimization of their constitutional types has been added.

“Dynamics” expert module has been updated

Expert module “Dynamics” is designed to evaluate dynamics of the patient’s functional state in all indexes calculated by VedaPulse.

Previously, expert module “Dynamics” was creating a single graph for a single parameter. Now you can compare several parameters on one graph (for instance, energy of paired meridians). Thus, you can show the consistency in a more informative way. Results are available in graphs as well as in tables and histograms of allocation, which allows analyzing the patient’s state in a more proficient way. Data import to Excel function has been added for further statistical processing.

Learn more about “Dynamics”

Function of selecting two-parameter nosological filter has been added

In most cases combined pathology is revealed during patient assessment, which can include two or more diagnoses. In this case there is a risk of polypragmasia (excess prescription of drugs that affect all the diseases).

Ideally, you should prescribe a drug that solves several problems at once. Accordingly, the two-parameter nosological filter allows selecting an herb that has an effect on all selected diseases at the same time.

Optimization of the herbs rating calculation algorithm

Quantitative parameter displayed next to an herb shows the power of harmonizing impact of the herb on regulatory systems (doshas) and human energy. Previously, the algorithm was taking into account only the power of herb impact on decreasing the level of imbalanced dosha. However, any herb has an impact on all three doshas. Thus, if we want to reduce Vata-dosha, we will prescribe the herb with oily and heavy qualities. These same qualities will strengthen Kapha Dosha. This is also an effect of herb impact on a person. Optimized algorithm takes into account all vectors of herb impact on each dosha.

Data import from other HRV devices to VedaPulse is now available

Many doctors and specialists of traditional medicine in Russia and abroad use professional ECG- and HRV-devices of other manufacturers, which only use academic indexes. Now you can import the data to VedaPulse Software and receive analysis conclusions and detailed recommendations on the various traditional systems of healing. It requires the data in EDF and TXT formats. You can load both the oscillogram of the ECG signal and the sequence of RR-intervals.

To start using the new functions of the software, please download VedaPulseTM Software update.

VedaPulse® News