Schedule of online-events for September 2016

Here is the announcement of our online-events for September:

Ayurvedic psychology of changing habits and overcoming self-sabotage

Start at: September 15th, 2016 at 1:00 PM (UTC/GMT) or 9:00 AM (EDT, New York Time)
Price Free
Duration: 1 hour
Lecturer: Nadya ANDREEVA is the author of the #1 Amazon best-selling book on digestive health for women Happy Belly: A Woman’s Guide to Feeling Vibrant, Light, and Balanced. Professionally trained in mindful eating, ayurveda, functional nutrition, and positive psychology, Nadya helps women break free from the self-sabotaging behaviors with food, optimize their digestion and return to optimal health

During the webinar we will explore the following topics that will serve the practitioners both in personal life and in their work with their clients:

  • The problem is information overload and the lack of actual habit transformations. Why is it hard for people to stick to what we know our body truly needs to thrive? Why can't we keep our promises to ourselves and engage in self-sabotage? How can we support our clients in creating a step by step habit change that allows to maintain optimal wellbeing. What does it take to create new habits that stick;
  • Discipline: where does it come from and why do we lack it? What does our Prana and our attention have to do with it. Decision-making fatigue and how to prevent it;
  • Sense organs, desires and cravings - Raga. What does it mean and how we can learn to use our sense organs to support our health. Cultivating Santosha - where to begin. Can we learn to create a sense of satisfaction and eat and work from that state?
  • Role of Buddhi and Manas in habits, discernment, and living life free from self-sabotage. How we can strengthen Buddhi in daily living and become free of the old patterns?
Register online

Liver channel, diagnosis and methods of influence

This webinar introduces Liver channel, anatomical and topographical features of the meridian, its projection area and functional use, the main points belonging to the system, as well as practical recommendations on the Liver channel passing.

Program of the online seminar:

  • Liver channel, its main characteristics, projection area and functional use;
  • Points of Power for the Liver channel;
  • Technique of the Liver channel passing.

Start at: September 22nd, 2016 at 1:00 PM (UTC/GMT) or 9:00 AM (EDT, New York Time)
Price $15.00
Duration: 1 hour
Lecturer: Anastasia Nikonova, manager of technical support department of the "Biokvant" company (the webinar is based on the materials of the expert, PhD, reflexologist, specialist of Traditional Chinese Medicine - Sergey Kosintsev)

Register online

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