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Changes were made both to the design and functionality. Let’s look into all updates one by one.
1. Previously the distribution of energy through meridians used to be shown in a form of separate sectors, now it is shown as a flexible line.
Let’s use Example 2 from the VedaPulse software demo version.
On the left – an old graph, on the right – a new one. We think that the flexible line is a more organic way to reflect the distribution of energy through meridians
When putting a cursor to the selected meridian, it will be additionally highlighted with the help of a sector. The color of the sector indicates functional state of organs and systems associated with this meridian.
• Yellow — significant deficiency of energy (Syndrome of Emptiness)
• Light green — tendency to deficiency of energy
• Green — normal state, optimal balance of spending and restoring energy
• Light pink — tendency to tension
• Bright red — significant tension (Syndrome of Fullness)
Zone from light green to light pink is a wide corridor of normal state, green indicates a narrow corridor of normal state.
Also, an indicator for a quality of each meridian is a color of the base layer under the graph. Base layer is made out of different diameter circles with common center. These circles form circular zones indicate the borders of statutory values of energy. Statutory values are indicated by the color, the same five colors are used as for the sectors, which appear when putting a cursor, only the translucent colors are used for the base layer.
This picture shows the red sector indicating tension (Syndrome of Fullness) in the Gall Bladder meridian, when putting a cursor to the energy zone which is associated with this meridian (Example 2).
2.Text description of each channel.
The description is located to the right of the graph. It will open once you click the appropriate sector on the graph. The description includes:
• Names in accordance with the generally accepted nomenclatures (general name, Chinese name, French name and the name by WHO classification)
• Main characteristics of the channel (classifying categories and functions)
• Energy state of the channel (tendency to patterns of deficiency and excess of energy, tendencies to functional tension/depletion of the functions of functional systems associated with the channel)
• Symptomatology and diseases of patterns of excess and deficiency of energy
• Recommendations for key points of the channels in pathology
3. And now the most important! Now the energy of meridians is shown in two graphs: of relative and absolute values of energy. Relative level of energy is shown by the blue line, level of absolute energy – by the red line. The user can switch on and off the reflection of any variant, separately or of both graphs together.
In the previous version of the “Organ pulse” module, only one graph was used showing the relative level of energy. In the new version we not only changed the appearance of the graph, - replacing the separate sectors with the flexible line, but also extended functionality of the module by adding a distribution graph of an absolute value of energy.
Let’s clarify what we mean by “relative” and “absolute” values of energy. To make it easier, I will give an example from a different area. Imagine a big strong weightlifter and a small forest ant. Now let’s organize a competition between them. They will compete in weightlifting.
A sportsman can lift 200 kg and an ant – only 1 g. However, the weightlifter weighs 100 kg, so he lifts 200% of his own mass, an ant, which weighs 100 mg, can lift a weight 10 times bigger than his own (1000% of his own mass). Therefore, in order to judge which one of them is stronger, a sportsman or an ant, first we need to check which values system we will use to compare them. If we use absolute values system, then the sportsman will win, but if we use relative system – the ant will be stronger.
Now let’s get back to the 12 meridians.
A measure for absolute values of energy are nominal units. A measure for relative values – percentages. In order to better understand why we need these two measurement systems, let's look into Example 3 from the VedaPulse software demo version.
Let’s first look at the red line which shows absolute values of energy. This patient has low level of vital energy, therefore there is little energy in all meridians. Looking at this graph we can only assume that there is little energy, but it doesn’t show the nuances of its distribution through meridians. “Energy streams” are so little that these nuances are almost not visible. This is when the graph of relative values of energy – blue line - comes to help. This small amount of energy we take as 100% and presume that this is its individual norm. Of course, this individual norm will be a lot less than standard healthy norm, but now we can see individual nuances of energy distribution through meridians.
So, looking at the relative values we can better understand the nuances of individual energy distribution through meridians, absolute values will help us estimate the actual energy reserve in the channel and compare it to the standard normal value. The graph of relative values of energy distribution (blue line) in Example 3 shows that the most problematic areas are Bladder and Kidneys. The graph of absolute values (red line) shows that, basically, the whole body suffers from lack of energy. Not having the graph of absolute values, we could incorrectly assume that the problems are limited by Bladder and Kidneys.
Before this update, we had to also analyze the data from other modules to detect energy deficiency in the body.
How to do this was described in this article:
▪ Meaningful analysis of the surveys. The first step: estimating the value of vitalenergy
Now we can simultaneously evaluate the general state of energy and its detailed distribution through meridians – all in one module “Organ pulse”. This is very convenient for express analysis of functional state.
The graphs of absolute and relative energy values have different physiological meaning. The graph of absolute energy value mainly reflects morphological changes, when the graph of relative values – functional.
The logic is the following.
We compare absolute values with standard norms. Therefore, the more is the difference between absolute values and standards, the more is the probability of morphological changes.
When we analyze relative values, we study how the body spends its resources– we study its functional capabilities for adaptation.
Based on this we offer the following scheme for interpreting physiological meaning.
(This scheme should not be perceived as the ultimate authority, it rather reflects probable tendencies that require additional confirmation, however, this scheme has a practical value, because it gives direction for further diagnostic search and it can be used as a basis for acupuncture prescription, which is automatically done in “Acupuncture” and “Physiotherapy” modules. These modules use the data from the “Organ pulse” module.).
Let’s look into possible combinations of relative and absolute values of energy in meridians.
Absolute values | Relative values | Description |
Tension | Tension | Active phase of pathological process with morphological changes accompanied by significant functional strain. |
Tension | Norm | Pathological process with morphological changes without aggravation. This can be a very fragile condition preceding crisis, or it can indicate the state of functional compensation associated with chronic pathology. |
Norm | Tension | Functional strain without clear pathology. |
Norm | Norm | No pathology (or it is compensated) with normal functional state. |
Norm | Deficiency | No pathology (or it is compensated), but functional values are decreased. |
Deficiency | Norm | Pathological process with tendency to dystrophic changes in combination with normal functional state. |
Deficiency | Deficiency | Pathological process with tendency to dystrophic changes in combination with functional deficiency. |
Let’s look into Example 1 which is included in the VedaPulse demo version and use this approach for interpretation.
Diagnosis of this patient - biliary dyskinesia. We studied this
example in 2011 .
Tension in the XI meridian (Gall bladder) is clearly seen both in relative and absolute values, which indicates an aggravation of pathological process in combination with significant functional strain. Moreover, both absolute and relative values of energy in Kidneys and Pericardium are lower than norm, which indicates dystrophic processes in organs and functional deficiency. However, in this case, the body energy was mobilized in Gall bladder, therefore we should be careful interpreting the lack of absolute energy in Kidneys and Pericardium. We can state that functional capabilities of these systems suffered, but we need to check whether there are dystrophic changes there on morphological level – it is better to do another assessment after reducing the acute state.
Important notice. In the studied example a significant tension in the Gall Bladder meridian was seen in combination with pathological process happening in this organ. However, we should not forget that the Gall Bladder meridian is connected with the work of a larger number of organs and could also be disturbed.
Tension in the XI meridian should first of all be seen as a reflection of psychosomatic problem related to the disturbance of emotionally motivational processes that depend on the work of limbic system, in other words – the oldest part of the brain that we inherited from ancestors. These are very deep mechanisms which participate in regulation of internal organs activity.
Therefore, when there is disturbance of energy in the Gall Bladder meridian, not just this organ will suffer, but also: liver, lungs, heart, reproductive system, stomach, duodenum, kidneys, colon, and peripheral nerves. That’s why tension in the XI meridian may also induce psychic disorders, neurosis, migraines, epilepsy, schizophrenia, allergy, spinal cord diseases and skin disorders.
This is the main danger of making simple parallels, projecting problems in the meridian exceptionally on the like-named organ. Indeed, when the meridian energy is disturbed, most often the like-named organ suffers, but the situation can be much more complicated. This shouldn’t be scary, as after evaluating the energy state in meridians, we then move to rehabilitation modules (“Acupuncture”, “Physiotherapy”, “Hirudotherapy”) that helps us influence the energy flow in the meridian and generally influence all organs and systems associated with this meridian.
Let’s look at the Example 2. Diagnosis: gastric ulcer.
You can see what is happening in the III meridian (Stomach). There is a significant tension of both absolute and relative energies!
We can interpret this as an aggravation of pathological process in combination with significant functional strain. By the way, a physician diagnosed an initial stage of ulcers development in this patient. At this stage there are no painful symptoms yet, the patient was only feeling some weakness. When we detected a significant energy tension in the Stomach meridian, this patient was sent to gastroenterologist who confirmed the concerns of the specialist who did the VedaPulse test.
Important reminder – we don’t use this graph to give diagnosis in accordance with ICD-10, we only evaluate an energetic state of the meridians. However, there is a big probability that there is a pathological process when two graphs indicate the same problem. If the problem is seen only on one graph, there is hope that it’s just functional disorder.
Now let’s study Example 3 from the demo version. This is the assessment example of a nominally healthy person.
You can see that the values of almost all meridians on both graphs are within the wide corridor of norm. There are some meridians in the zone of insignificant tension and some – in the zone of energy deficiency – in the lower range of norm.
Summary.Now we have one more new perspective when analyzing the energetic state of meridians. We recommend using both graphs of absolute and relative demonstration of energy. This will be more informative. Indicate the most problematic zones – where both graphs show deficiency or excess of energy. First of all pay attention to these areas.
In order to demonstrate the importance of using both graphs at the same time – let’s look at the example from another module – “Spectrum”. It also provides both absolute and relative values.
This tab has a pie chart which shows the LF/HF correlation, in other words, this is a vegetative balance which shows a relative correlation of mobilization processes and restoration of power in the body.
Important: the same value of vegetative balance can be received in the setting of completely different functional states: strong mobilization and exhaustion, asthenia. In order to understand the reason of imbalance, we need to look into absolute values of spectral diapasons and compare them with healthy norms, or reference values.
Let’s go back to “Organ pulse” module. The same here – only when looking both into absolute and relative values of energy, we can get a clear picture of energy imbalance. “Spectrum” gives us only a general picture, when “Organ pulse” provides details of what is happening in each meridian. This information helps to localize the problem and create a rehabilitation program.
First of all, in cases, when there is a meridian with a clear tension on both graphs (absolute and relative energy), we should be careful interpreting all other meridians, as lack of energy in them may be an outcome of dynamic redistribution of adaptation resources of the body to the channel where the body mobilized all the resources. In such cases analysis of the state of all other meridians will be difficult. First we need to relieve an acute state and then do another recording and analyze the state of the remaining meridians. Example 1 and 2 describes such cases.
Second of all, we should not interpret the state of meridians separately, but rather all together taking into consideration the different connections between them. In particular, we should analyze pair channels, meaning: interpretation of the state of Lungs should be done together with Colon, Spleen – together with Stomach and so on. We should always analyze the Yin-Yang pair.
we should not strictly associate the meridian and the like-named anatomic organ. Beginner users of VedaPulse often make such mistake when only starting to use the “Organ pulse” module. We should remember, that the terms “organ” in TCM and western medicine don’t coincide. Western medicine went the route of strict differentiation of terms dividing anatomy, physiological function and psychology. Eastern medicine usually sees any question through strong connection of all components. We can understand where the accent (on morphology, functional changes or psychology) is by knowing the context of the specific situation. Maybe, in order to escape confusion, we should refuse using the term “organ” when analyzing the meridian energy and replace it with the term “functional system”. By the way this term is used in modern acupuncture that includes both traditional TCM terms and modern scientific.
In any case, when interpreting “organs”, we should remember that we mean “functional systems”.
That’s why, for example, an excess in “Lungs” can lead not only to pathological processes in the like-named anatomic organ, but also to skin diseases, as “Lungs” as a “functional system” includes all organs which on physiological level are united by the function of gas exchange. Therefore, the skin surface is also related to “Lungs”, as it is responsible for skin respiration. On psychological level, “Lungs” is a functional system which is responsible for the first contact with outside world. When we inhale the air and touch different objects with the skin, we get acquainted with the environment. Therefore disturbance of psychological relationship with the environment may lead to a wide range of different disorders: bronchial asthma, allergy, different dermatitis, psoriasis and so on. It is important that during pulse analysis all of them will be indicated as a disturbance of the “Lungs” functional system, and therefore will require general approach to management.
This doesn’t deny the effectiveness of specific approaches to treatment of different diseases used by western medicine.
It means that there is also another – a non-specific, systematic approach of Eastern medicine.
Moreover, even if specific treatment gives a quick effect and relieves uncomfortable symptoms, often it doesn’t provide a complete cure and chronic diseases are “striked in”. Using a systematic approach allows to get rid of chronic conditions. The new update of “Organ pulse” module was designed for this purpose.
Starting with this update we move to a new marketing scheme of working with the modules. “Organ pulse” module is the first module which will be distributed by subscription. In order to subscribe to this module:
• those who already have the previous version of this module – get subscription for one year;
• those who don’t have this module – buy the license which includes the subscription for the first year.
All users who have purchased the “Organ pulse” module before – already have the license and only need to pay for the subscription.
Users who have purchased the “Organ pulse” module before, but don’t want to get the subscription, can continue using the previous version. They will be able to download the updates of the main core of the software without updates of the “Organ pulse”.
In order to get subscription, please contact technical support.
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Analyzing the risks for developing complications after COVID-19 by using VedaPulse® Professional