Stress control


The vast majority of people constantly live in a state of permanent stress without thinking, what dangers it threatens. The information about what level of stress can be dangerous is well documented nowadays, and can be expressed in a form of precise numerical indexes.

The program VedaPulse estimates the stress level by using academician Baevsky’s stress index.
Initially, the index was introduced to assess the adaptation abilities of astronauts and now is more widely used.

Here are the main values ​​of the index strain:
The range from 30 to 200 conv. units — is the wide range of the norm of the index strain and the ideal value in this narrow corridor rates is 60-120 units.
The range from 120 to 500 indicates the presence of distress where the body fights due to increased energy expenditure. (by the way, a good half of the townspeople, who exceeded the age of thirty, has a strain index above 200 units).
When the index value exceeds the threshold of 800-1000 conv. units, it means that the organism cannot longer cope with the distress and the risk of stomach ulcers, stroke and heart attack seriously increases. Besides there is serious decline of immunity (in consequence of atrophy of the thymus gland), which significantly expands the list of possible diseases.
Of course, finding such a level of significance of stress-index in any case should not indulge in a panic. Moreover, any panic is contraindicated because it may seriously aggravate the situation.
Stress index of 1000 and 3000 units — is not a death sentence! But this is the most serious indication for a full review of the lifestyle. If the person decides to change this lifestyle, no disaster will happen. It can be avoided, but it has to be done immediately, without waiting till tomorrow.

If the index value is 1000 units and above, no work in principle is allowed. Let yourself to say: “Stop it all! I deserve a rest!’’ Watching TV, computers, reading books, talking phone is prohibited. Instead of this you need to listen to the meditative music, drink relaxing tea and get a massage. The most important thing is to stay positive. It is necessary to control all the changes in the stress index course periodically.
The problem is that it is difficult for a person to understand own internal stress level. That’s why a stroke and heart attacks happen so suddenly and unexpectedly. Therefore it is very important to use VedaPulse for a regular stress level control.
Forewarned is forearmed!
It means you can take care about yourself and verify the effectiveness of used measures.
It is valuable because the effectiveness of any funds can be evaluated in a digital form.
It is very convenient to do this because it allows quickly to understand what kind of treatment reduces stress index, and accordingly, the internal strain and becomes the most effective for each person individual.

Let’s repeat Stress Index Values again:
60-120 conv. units — a narrow range of the norm (eustress)
30-200 conv. units — a wide range of the norm (compensated distress)
<30 and >200 conv. units — uncompensated distress
>500 conv.units — a crisis of adaptation systems
>1000 conv.units — rrequires urgent measures