VedaPulse Software Update July 25, 2017

List of updates:

  • New software expert module VedaMinerals;
  • The software now takes into account TriDosha state when forming recommendations;
  • Conclusion can now be saved in the following formats: rtf, docx, pdf;
  • Patient card: “Education” and “Profession” fields are removed. “Anamnesis” and “E-mail” fields are added;
  • Patient search by the first and last name is now available;
  • New languages: Serbian and Chinese. The software now includes 14 languages: Russian, English, Arabic, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Turkish, Finnish, Dutch, Malaysian, Hindi, Serbian, and Chinese.


  • Program hang-up in the “Help” section is now fixed;
  • Program slowdown while entering the height and weight data in the Database, in “Information” tab, as well as in the “Organ Pulse” – “Atlas” tab was fixed;
  • An error in the “Organ Pulse” (Chinese scheme) on the graph of absolute values is now fixed;
  • Overlapping of the interface elements in the “Dynamics” – “Bar charts” is now fixed;
  • “Acupuncture” – “Jiu” and “Foot Massage” - “Scheme” – point names are now corrected;
  • “Auriculotherapy” – misplacement of the points on the scheme against the ear picture, which was happening during automatic scaling of the scheme, is now fixed;
  • “Telemetry” – section of data exchange with the client is now fixed.

*IMPORTANT: Functional changes to the software have been applied in this update, which are not supported in the devices, purchased before year 2014. To have the access to full functionality (some modules may disappear), please contact our Technical Support at and reprogram the USB security key.


“VedaMinerals” module is intended for stimulation of the biologically active zones by the tourmaline applicators for energy balance restoration and correction of the pathological conditions. The module is completed with a set of tourmaline applicators. To see and test the new module, please download the VedaPulse software update and run it in a demo mode. “VedaMinerals” module is located in Recommendations – Physiotherapy – VedaMinerals.

Operation of the module is traditional for all the modules in “Recommendations” section. First the assessment of a client in a calm state is done (heart rhythms recording). After the recording and correction of the artifacts (if necessary), proceed to the “VedaMinerals” module. It automatically creates the biologically active zones map for allocating of the applicators, as well as the order of their placement. This scheme is based on the results of the assessment. The module takes into account information from “Dosha balance” and “Organ Pulse” tabs.

Existing diseases of the client need should be chosen in the nosological filter. The final recommendations can be stored as a file – rtf, docx, pdf.


Starting from this update, if all Doshas are in the range from 2 to 4 units, this state is considered as balanced state of Doshas (TriDosha), and is taken into account in recommendations from the “Lifestyle”, “Diet Therapy”, “Aromatherapy”, “Herbal Therapy” modules. While Doshas are in balance, only those products that significantly influence one Dosha and able to cause imbalance are not recommended. All other products that have mild effect are allowed.

VedaPulse Software Update

VedaPulse® News