"VedaPulse" software update December 24, 2015

List of changes:

The new expert extension “Biorhythms” has been added.
It is designed for specialists of Traditional Chinese Medicine – reflexology specialists. Now in the section Recommendations/TCM, the new tab “Biorhythms” was added next to the tab “Reflexology”. To learn more about this tab before the purchase you need to download and install the last version of VedaPulse program, and after open the program in demo version without using USB-key.

Previously issued expert extension Reflexology is designed for the creation of a reflexology recipe that takes into account the nosology and the present energy state. And the new expert extension “Biorhythms” is dedicated to create the reflexology recipe for the synchronization of internal and external rhythms from the view of traditional Chinese and Ayurveda medicines. The synchronization of biorhythms allows to balance the processes of the main functional systems of the body (cardiovascular system, digestive system, respiratory system and etc.) with the natural rhythms. It improves the immune system and stress resistance. If some disease indicated, the recovery process goes with the far lesser spending of body adaptive resources.

The expert extension “Biorhythms” allows to use the algorithms of both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurveda. The recipe “Biorhythm’s points of TCM” is created under the classic philosophy of biorhythms "Zi Wu Liu Zhu" and "Ling Gui Ba Fa" that take into the account the individual energy of person and present day. The recipe “Biorhythm’s points of Ayurveda” is created under the circadian cycle of organs activity and its present functional state (the pulse of organs). You can find more detailed information about work with the expert extensions “Reflexology” and “Biorhythms” on the webinars of D.Phs. Sergey Kosintsev. More about the expert extension “Biorhythms”.

The expert extension “Quantum therapy” has been added.
he expert extension Quantum therapy is designed for the specialists that work in the field of traditional (complimentary, integrative) medicine. With the help of assessment made by VedaPulse Professional device, the module allows to create the individual physiotherapy recipe for the delivery of quantum therapy.

Created by program the physiotherapy recipe describes the position of zones, the frequency of vibrations and the time of exposure of device. The recipe goes with the interactive picture of human body with the indicated active zones. When the chosen zone under the cursor, the description of its position and the method of applying are highlighted in the recipe. Created in the program recipe can be saved with RTF-format. The rules of reflexology recipe creation under the Traditional Chinese medicine and constitutional approach of Ayurveda medicine were taken into the account during the creation of algorithm of work of expert extension Quantum Therapy .

Also the new function was added:

  • The ability of group editing of RR-intervals in the tab VRS. It is the new function that expands the ability of editing the record of ECG-signal. Earlier in the program the excluding from the assessment and including into the assessment of RR-intervals was possible only individually/separately that slowed down the work of users in a moment when the manipulation with the long period of record was required, but now it has become convenient to do. But, please pay attention, we recommend not to allowed the excessive use of new function. The removal of long segments from the middle of ECG could lead to the errors in results. And, the removal of non-stationary segment in the beginning and in the end of record leads to the less inaccuracy in the final result. Remember that to avoid the non-stationary segment in the beginning of the record it is easier to use the different function – extension of the beginning of record on 15 seconds on the stage of signal recording.
  • The new function of group editing of RR-intervals is also useful in conducting of any researches. As example, if any effect on the functional state of patient is studied. In this case, now we don’t need to make two separate fixed records. Now we can make one long continuous record, that will include the whole process and the state before some influence, during the influence and the effect after some influence. Next, on this long record you can manually separate necessary segments for the studying these different functional states.

VedaPulse® News