VedaPulse – 2021: the results of the year

The VedaPulse сompany wishes all of our colleagues and partners, a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

2021 was a year of an anniversary for the company. In August 2021, VedaPulse celebrated 15 years on the traditional medicine market. VedaPulse has been bringing together a community of traditional medicine specialists from 62 countries around the world for 15 years.

Thanks for your active participation and support on promoting the ideas of traditional medicine. We thank each participant for their trust.

Traditionally, in December we recall the main events of the year

In February 2021, VedaPulse co-hosted the IV annual online congress AYURVEDA TODAY 2021, ‘Health practices for the whole family’, dedicated to maintaining family health, where participants from 45 countries joined the online broadcast for two days to listen to the lectures of 19 world-class experts on maintaining family health #staying_at_home.

In the spring of 2021, the algorithm of the Osteopathy module was optimized. Now it is possible to test the presence of functional changes in five spinal parts and identify the probability of vertebral pathologies, their connection to nerves and organs (tendencies to exacerbate chronic changes in the vertebrae, changes at the level of vertebral joints, etc.).

Illustrations of innervation zones on the human body become an additional criterion for the localization of pathological processes (impaired sensitivity, the occurrence of discomfort and pain due to pathologies in the corresponding vertebrae).

The Osteopathy software module has been developed to meet the requirements that osteopaths, massage therapists, chiropractics, kinesiologists, acupuncture specialists and many others.

Learn more about the module

We launched a series of webinars in a new ‘Q&A’ format in April, where Dr. Oleg Sorokin, MD, PhD, the author of the VedaPulse technology, answered the questions regarding the functionality of the VedaPulse Professional system.

In 2021, 22 open online educational lectures were organized on the applied aspects of traditional medicine in four different languages. As well as two free online courses: ‘Mechanisms of psychosomatic disease course from the perspective of chakra theory’ and ‘Educational online course ‘VedaPulse’ for beginners - complex solution for diagnosis and recommendations in traditional medicine’.


In December 2021, the new device VedaPulse – TES was presented to our customers

The VedaPulse-TES device is a physiotherapy device for transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) with a complex therapeutic effect based on the effects of increased release of opioid hormones in the body or, in other words, ‘feel-good hormones’.

Learn more about the device

Thank you for your confidence in the VedaPulse system, we wish you Happy New Year holidays, and we want to make a present to each client of our company. In December, VedaPulse offers a 20% discount on any of the 28 software modules + 1 week of access to the most complete VedaPulse package!

Follow the link and get your gift.

Choose your module

In 2022, a new Thermovision and Cupping modules (supplied with the set of cups) are planned to be launched. In the first half of the year, live seminars are planned to be held in Novosibirsk. The second part of the year will be marked with Moscow joint seminar for nearby regions.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We wish you happy New Year holidays, lots of health to your family, prosperity for your business and success in working with the VedaPulse system!

VedaPulse® News