VedaPulse Results - 2020

Despite the global pandemic affecting the whole world and lockdowns in 2020, we at VedaPulse® were striving to find new approaches to aid holistic practitioners keep in touch with their clients and did this by means of the unique telemedicine technology implemented in the Telemetry software module. We were thrilled to discover that VedaPulse® distant patient monitoring technologies became a tremendous support for health practitioners from 61 countries, and they could continue supervising their clients despite radically new restrictions they faced this year. It has become a good tradition for us to recap the year every December, so here it is for 2020!

February 2020, VedaPulse® co-organized the third annual online congress AYURVEDA TODAY 2020 “Anti-age: traditions and trends” that brought together participants from 40 countries for two consecutive days to see 22 world-class experts presenting their reports on active longevity.

We are happy to keep this tradition up, and in the beginning of 2021 we invite all holistic practitioners and everyone following a healthy lifestyle to join the IV annual online congress AYURVEDA TODAY 2021. This time, the congress is devoted to the topic ‘Health practices for the whole family’.

During spring, VedaPulse® ran a supportive campaign ‘Free Telemetry distant monitoring module’, which provided each VedaPulse® user with the access to this telemedicine solution that provides a non-contact way of following patients up without leaving home or office.

As for education and training projects, in 2020 VedaPulse® shifted the focus to online events and distant education. Traditional seminars on pulse diagnosis were held in an online format for Russian-, English-, Spanish- and Italian-speaking audience.

This was the first time we hosted all educational events and seminars on pulse diagnosis in an online format during the whole year. We hope that these training helped our users to get an in-depth understanding of the VedaPulse® indices and receive step-by-step instructions on data interpretation with real clinical cases.

Online lectures turned out to be a great support for the participants on their journey to master the art of pulse reading and helped the people to share the experience with their colleagues, study a variety of clinical cases and get the tips for introducing VedaPulse® to their practice.

In 2020, VedaPulse® organized 49 free online lectures on applicable aspects of traditional medicine in 9 different languages.​

(Click the arrow above to view the full list of webinars 2020 in English, Spanish, French and other languages)

This year, VedaPulse® released 2 new software modules - Osteopathy and Cupping Therapy.

Osteopathy module is an innovation of the VedaPulse company, which detects the functional vertebrogenic pathologies and relations between vertebral and organ diseases based on the VedaPulse® heuristic algorithms. By knowing the connection of spinal problems and diseases of internal organs, you will shift to a completely new level of expertise in your daily practice.

Cupping Therapy is a next step in the development of the VedaMinerals module.

Cupping Therapy module is intended for stimulation of the biologically active zones using vacuum cupping (Hijama, Báguànr) or other acupuncture means to restore the energetic balance and correct the pathologies. This method of non-invasive rehabilitation therapy is capable of competing with such methods as laser and quantum therapy, and is extremely effective in pathological syndromes of Emptiness in Chinese medicine or Vata imbalance with low Ojas in Ayurveda.

We are thankful to 2020 for reminding us what is really important in our lives, the values that require protection and care – our homes, families, health and well-being. We wish that 2021 will help you preserve these values. Let the new upcoming year give us the chance to develop and strengthen the bonds inside our expert community and meet each other personally during our regular VedaPulse® seminars… in good health!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

VedaPulse® News