VedaPulse Results - 2019

VedaPulse team wishes a Happy New Year to all the people, involved in traditional medicine practices, our colleagues and partners! Due to your active participation and support we’ve managed to accomplish the major projects aimed at promotion of the ideas of traditional medicine. Now it is the time to summarize the outgoing year to see the picture of VedaPulse achievements of 2019, as well as to analyze the major focuses of the year to determine the new goals for the new year of 2020.

Within 2019 we organized 12 educational seminars in many cities such as Saint Petersburg and Novosibirsk (Russia), Minsk (Belarus), Rimini (Italy), Milan (Italy), Belgrade (Serbia), Beirut (Lebanon), Bogota (Colombia), Santiago (Chile), Madrid (Spain), Sofia (Bulgaria), Vilnius (Lithuania). More than 700 seminar participants got the chance to meet the knowledge of Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine, and the skills of assessing the functional state of a person with VedaPulse device.

On June 23, we held the first online congress for VedaPulse users, where 16 practicing experts of traditional medicine shared their experience on the successful usage of VedaPulse complex and reflected on the efficiency of the device in terms of their work.

On November 2, we had the first online congress PROPULSE 2019, with people from 42 countries joining to online webcasting during the day to attend the lectures of 9 outstanding speakers elaborating on the matters of instrumental and classic palpatory pulse diagnosis of Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine.

The greatest interest was aroused by the speech of the honored guest of the congress - Bachelor of Ayurveda, Medicine and Surgery (BAM&S) of Puna University and Master of Ayurvedic Science (MASc) - Doctor Vasant Lad (India). The author of the great number of books, Dr Lad is acknowledged worldwide among the specialists of Ayurveda. He wrote 11 books on Ayurveda, published hundreds of scientific articles and other manuscripts. At the congress, Dr Vasant Lad shared his experience on the reading of seven pulse levels in his lecture “Secrets of pulse diagnosis”. The recording of the lecture is available at the link.

Watch recordings

In 2019, VedaPulse was active at taking part in international events and exhibited the products at the global exhibition venues.

On November 18-22, VedaPulse team represented Russia at the international exhibition Medica-2019 in Dusseldorf (Germany), the largest event for medical doctors and leading manufacturers of medical equipment.

On November 25-28 VedaPulse representatives were engaged in a business mission in Mumbai, India. VedaPulse company was selected as one of the leading innovative export-oriented companies of the Novosibirsk region, which was quite a competition. Representatives of the company joined the Russian business mission in India to meet with partners in the distribution of innovative VedaPulse equipment, developed for specialists of traditional medicine.

VedaPulse technology has also been presented by our partners at international exhibitions in more than 20 countries.

In 2019 VedaPulse team conquered a distance of 32 km by the Tom river by boats, in such a beautiful way celebrating the 13th Birthday of the company. The author and the developer of VedaPulse technology Oleg Sorokin led the team to the memorable native places.

In 2019, VedaPulse released two expert modules to “VedaPulse Professional” – “Thermal therapy” and “Tongue diagnosis”.

Expert module “Thermal therapy” is developed to provide individual recommendations on the temperature-humidity mode and steaming mode to be set in the steaming room in accordance with the current psycho-physiological state of a person and his constitutional features. The module was nominated for Banya World award in the category "Best innovative product". You can check how the module helps to analyze the processes going on in a person’s body during steaming and give objective recommendations based on the individual characteristics of each person.

More about “Thermal therapy” module

In the expert module “Tongue diagnosis” the developers of VedaPulse interlinked the methods of pulse and tongue diagnostics for the first time, which allowed to obtain additional data on the patient's health by mapping 23 zones of the tongue on the basis of traditional approaches adopted in Ayurveda, Tibetan and Chinese medicine. It became possible to save photos of the patient's tongue in the archive for analysis of morphological changes and track the dynamics of the patient's condition.

Expert module “Tongue diagnosis”

More about “Tongue diagnosis” module

2019 brought us many bright moments, innovative projects and important events. We wish that upcoming year of 2020 would open the way to new professional achievements for all the associates of VedaPulse company. Good health to your family, prosperity to your business and success in working with the "VedaPulse" complex!

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