VedaPulse and its new expert extension “Helios” was introduced in Bangkok at the 5th International conference “Earth science and climate change”

The 5th International conference “Earth science and climate change” took part in Bangkok, Thailand on July 25-27, 2016. This conference was organized by OMICS GROUP, USA.

At the key forum on July 26th, a joint report by the International Scientific Research Institute of Cosmic Anthropoecology named after academician B. P. Kaznacheev (Novosibirsk, Russia) and Biokvant LLC, was introduced revealing new unique experimental data about the remote heliophysical expression of genes (D. Serdukov, ISRICA) and cardiospectral effects that were simultaneously detected in volunteers by the VedaPulse kit during solar eclipse on March 9th, 2016 (O. Sorokin, L. Doroshenko, Biokvant).

Reports, dedicated to creating a Global system of geoecological human life-support and scientific declaration about strategy of human survival in the era of cosmoplanetary and climate change, prepared by ISRICA together with Biokvant LLC. (Novosibirsk, Russia), were acknowledged the most relevant and were supported by representatives of university science field from more than 25 countries.

Helios is an expert extension for VedaPulse Professional software intended for evaluation of the influence of different weather factors, as well as solar and geomagnetic activity on the functional state of a person.

Website of the International Scientific Research Institute of Cosmic Anthropoecology

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