Update of the VedaPulse® Software, June 23, 2020
VedaPulse is happy to announce the release of a new update of the software that brings tons of new helpful stuff to the users of the system! In the updated version, you will get the enhanced functionality of the exisiting modules as well as new options:
- Long-awaited update of Nidana module - new illustrations and descriptions
- ECG recording and saving the data is now available even with the expired subscription
- Email notifications now available in the Telemetry module
- Dynamic changes of anthropometric data in the client's card (new data entry available for every assessment)
- Images of Planet Ayurveda products in the Supplements module have been added
- Instant Search option in the Herbal Encyclopedia and Aroma Encyclopedia modules has been added

Download the updated version of the VedaPulse® software to start using new functions.
Nidana update

Nidana module is one of the main VedaPulse® diagnostic software modules. It provides a huge amount of information on the client's current condition and overall anamnesis. However, before this update, only experts in Ayurvedic pathogenesis could get the best use of the data provided by the module. Updated Nidana allows any practitioner or wellness coach interpreting the assessment data, as now it is presented in both Western and Ayurvedic terminology. No more doubts about the terms, such as “ascending air” or “water that brings satisfaction”. For the sake of convenience, we have added additional descriptions and detailed interpretation of the data for each regulation system (Subdosha) in terminology used in traditional medicine and clinical physiology:
Name, etymology, general description
Qualities (or Gunas)
Localization – the area of origination and concentration of Subdosha in the body, its pathways of spreading
Modern view – what biophysical mechanisms and physiological processes stand behind each Subdosha.
Physiological equivalent – a complete analysis from the perspectives of clinical medicine, Ayurveda and TCM physiology, features of metabolism and common symptoms typical for the imbalance of each Subdosha.
A sector diagram has been added to the module that represents Subdosha projections on the corresponding fingers during palpatory pulse reading.

Apana Vayu
In the adapted translation from Sanskrit, Apāna (apa + an + a) - means “air that moves down”, working for the excretion of waste products. It is concentrated in the large intestine. It controls pranic flows directed downwards that provide: excretion of intestinal waste (mala), urination, excretion of semen and menstrual fluid, controls the uterus tone during pregnancy and labour. Energy-wise, according to Yoga, it is connected with Swadhistana and Muladhara chakras. It supports and controls all other Vata Subdoshas. Malfunction of Apana Vayu lies the basis of most Vata disorders.
Mainly – Ruksha, Tiksna, Sita / dry, penetrating and cold properties
Hollow organs of the lower floor of the abdominal cavity and pelvis:
- large intestine (appendix, ileocecal valve, blind, ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid rectum);
- uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix, vagina;
- seminiferous tubulus, prostate;
- distal segments of the urinary system (bladder, ureters, urethra) and renal pelvis.
Modern view▾
Apana Vayu is a system of nervous regulation of the symbiotic digestion processes in the large intestine, as well as the functions of the reproductive and urinary systems.
Physiological equivalent▾
It is the metasympathetic nervous system of the hollow organs, which is connected with the lumbar and sacral plexus, which controls the organs of the lower floor of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis.
- At the level of the large intestine, Apana Vayu is associated with the intermuscular and submucosal nerve plexuses of the intestinal wall, controlling the processes of motility (peristalsis), absorption, secretion and excretion, the state of the mucous-associated immune system of the intestinal wall.
- At the level of the reproductive system, it is associated with nerve plexuses of the uterus walls, cervix, vagina in women and seminiferous tubulus in men.
- At the level of the urinary system, Apana Vayu is associated with the nerve plexuses of the bladder walls, ureters and urethra.
- It performs communicative relations with the microbiota of the large intestine and the mucous membranes of the reproductive and urinary systems.
Apana Vayu disorders at the level of the urinary system:▾
- Disorder of the female ovarian-uterine cycle with a change in the duration of the phases - cramps and pain with further development of algodismenorrhea
- Tendency to develop neuro-vegetative syndromes during menopause (fever, dystonia, sweating, pain, emotional lability)
- Tendency to “mucosal dryness” syndrome of genital organs
- Dysmicrobiocenosis of the mucous membranes of vagina and cervix with a tendency to developing candida
- Tendency to developing cervical erosion and polyps
- Tendency to persistence of chronic, indolent viral infections, chronic vaginitis, vulvitis, cervicitis, and a tendency to developing adhesive processes
- Ejaculation disorders in men, “weakness of the semen”
- Tendency to development of inguinal hernias in men
- Tendency to the development of benign prostatic hyperplasia
Supplements update
We added the images of Planet Ayurveda products to the list of companies in the Supplements module.
Updates of Herbal Encyclopedia and Aroma Encyclopedia modules
We’ve made the search function in the Herbal Encyclopedia and Aroma Encyclopedia modules more convenient by adding the Instant Search option, allowing you to see all possible options that meet the search criteria after clicking the “Search” button or right during typing (which is handy for slow-speed computers).
Since 2017, VedaPulse® program is available exclusively with a subscription, as the work on the optimization of the program never stops and we keep improving the software, introducing innovations based on the VedaPulse® users' requests. The subscription is renewed annually and allows you to get an access to the latest version of the softwareand all associated updates.

New updated software version allows you to continue working with the software even with expired subscription: in case you cannot renew the subscription for some reason, the program is not getting blocked. The work continues in a limited functionality mode: you are be able to make recordings, see the real time ECG displayed on the screen, and save the results.
Every time the program is launched, a pop-up window will remind you to renew the subscription, so you could regain the access to the full functionality (Results and Recommendations tabs).
The “Renew subscription” button will redirect you to the official VedaPulse website, where you can complete the renewal process. Alternatively, you can close the reminder window and start the recording. All recordings performed under the limited access mode will be automatically saved. After renewing the subscription, you will have full access to the results of the assessments. Besides, the limited functionality mode provides an access to all the reports saved before expiration with the ability to edit, save and print the texts.

Anthropometry data update
Now you can follow the dynamics of anthropometry data in the client's card. Before making a new assessment, you can renew the anthropometric data (height and weight of the client) in the card. The data is saved and taken into account during the generation of the results, as well as used for creating an anthropometry dynamics graph. The anthropometry dynamics graph is the complementary monitoring tool, relevant for the nutrition and weight correction programs. To open the dynamics graph, click the height or weight line in the patient’s profile.

Telemetry update
With the update, practitioners and clients will start receiving an instant email notification on each new assessment or reply to the forwarded assessments in the Telemetry module. To use the option, type in a correct email address when filling out the card - the specialist card in the VedaPulse® Professional software version or the client’s card in the VedaPulse® Home software.
Also, when launching the program, user gets notifications on all new assessments received from the clients and colleagues in the Telemetry module.