VedaPulse team will take part in two most important Ayurveda events in Europe
VedaPulse team will take part in two most important Ayurveda events in Europe this fall.

18th International Ayurveda Symposium September 9-12th, 2016, Birstein, Germany
The International Ayurveda Symposium looks back on a long tradition: Since 1998, the Ayurveda community has been
meeting in Birstein every year in autumn. The international gathering of experts provides important impetus in the
fields of education, research, and practice in ayurvedic medicine.
The Symposium is expected to attract more than 250 health professionals. Participants are welcome to deepen their
professional knowledge and learn more about the latest scientific and best practice findings.
Dr. Oleg Sorokin, PhD, creator of the VedaPulse device and executive director of the National Ayurveda Medical
Association of Russia will give a presentation on “Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis”.
Also, on Monday, September 12th, VedaPulse team will conduct a seminar “Modern Technologies of Computer Pulse
Analysis. Theory and Practice”. This will be a great opportunity for everyone interested in trying the
VedaPulse themselves and getting the first-hand information about this technology.
To see the complete program and register, please visit website.

3rd International Congress on Āyurveda “Āyurveda: the meaning of Life - The Future in the tradition” With INDRA 3rd edition INTERNATIONAL NETWORK for DEVELOPMENT and RESEARCH in ĀYURVEDA 16-19 September, 2016, Milan, Italy
The 3rd International Congress of Āyurveda - Āyurveda, the meaning of Life, is an event devoted to analyze the relationships between Tradition and Future, between linear and circular time. Its aim is to interface Ayurvedic and Vedic System of Knowledge with the Modern Science and Biomedicine with full respect of the Tradition. It is a conceptual container that will host Lectures, Workshops and Seminars by the most relevant international expert of Āyurveda and Modern Medicine: It will gather hundreds of professionals and general public in separate but coordinated environments.
To see the complete program and register, please visit website.