The English version of the VedaPulse digital pulse diagnosis was presented in Beirut

At the end of October, the English version of the VedaPulse digital pulse diagnosis was presented in Beirut. 25 physicians from Arabian countries (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kingdom of Bahrain) and Africa (Nigeria, Gabon, Ghana) arrived for the three-days workshop. This workshop was organized by Riad Shazbek, the Milta Moyen-Orient Co. director, the Biokvant Ltd. partner at Near East.

Within three days of the workshop, the director of the Biokvant Ltd., PhD and Associate Professor Oleg Sorokin had been giving theoretical and practical trainings to physicians.

The themes of his lectures were:

  1. The VedaPulse hardware and software system (HSS): the Academic basics of the pulse diagnosis.
  2. The index interpretation in the VedaPulse HSS. Theories of stress and adaptation.
  3. The Ayurvedic basics of the VedaPulse HSS constitutional diagnostics. Analysis of clinical cases.

During workshops in Beirut was the translation to English and Arabian. Inspite of language difficulties, all workshop participants could master the VedaPulse HSS working and could get skills of patients’ survey in the digital pulse diagnostics. Anatoly Sokolov, the Biokvant Ltd. engineer, helped them to set up the equipment.
Participants’ particular interest was aroused by fact that results analysis is based on two methods – on the scientifically recognized method of Heart Rate Variability and on the author’s methodology, created on the basis of the traditional pulse diagnosis in the Indo-Tibetan Medicine.

The real discovery for the participants of the workshop has become the last lecture “The Ayurvedic basics.” Among gathered physicians were the specialists in the Traditional Chinese Reflexology, but very few of them had an idea of the Ayurveda. Obtained at the workshop knowledge of the Ayurveda basics, has caused participants’ lively interest. Many of them have wanted to continue their Ayurveda learning after the workshop.

The photos from the Lebanon workshop

Practical studies with the VedaPulse

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