18th International Symposium on Ayurveda - 2016: The turning point in the history of convergence between provable medicine and Ayurveda

In September, our team has done a great scientific tour through Europe. The first point of our trip – was the 18th International Symposium on Ayurveda - 2016, which is annually held by the European Academy of Ayurveda.

This year the congress got attended by more than 200 delegates from around the world. Working program of the Congress included 3 working days, during which the ministers of AYUSH were performing, together with Ayurveda scientists and experts from Europe and India.

Mark and Kerstin Rosenberg

At the congress Dr. Oleg Sorokin gave a presentation: “A comparative study of the diagnostic coincidence in determining Vikrtadoshavaysamya (pathological Dosha imbalance) using the clinical method and the method of analysis of heart rate variability through the VedaPulse software algorithms.” The report of Dr. Oleg Sorokin for the first time introduced European scientific community to the fact that by means of the modern technology it is possible to assess Vikruti (pathological state of regulation systems - Doshas). This study forms a new scientific direction and a new approach to standardization and objectification of pulse diagnosis data in Ayurveda, which is crucial in terms of legalization of Ayurveda in Europe and other countries.

Dr. Oleg Sorokin's report has caused a great interest among participants of the congress and lead to meetings, which outlined new prospects for cooperation. In the near future on the site of NAMA (National Ayurvedic Medical Association) it is planned to hold a series of webinars, where some of the congress participants will do their presentations.

Story from Dr. Oleg Sorokin, chief ideologist and developer of "VedaPulse,” founder of "Biokvant" company.

This congress has become very important to me, because it was there for the first time, when for the scientific and clinical community were presented the results of validation studies for VedaPulse algorithms, conducted in India. Research results have aroused great interest among specialists, since this is the first precedent in the world, when the objective technology was created, which quantitatively assesses the important parameters required in the work of Ayurvedic Specialist – Agni Dhatu, Dosha balance, Pancha-Maha-Bhuta. During the congress I had many discussions with interesting scientists, about which I would like to tell below:

Dr. S. N. Gupta — Professor, Head of the Kayacikitsa Department in the Nadiad Ayurveda College, spiritual mentor of Mark Rosenberg, thanks to which the project of the Ayurvedic Academy could get born, grow up and become one of the drivers of the development of Ayurveda in Germany. At the congress Dr. Gupta made a report on the "Holistic theory of Ayurveda".

Dr. Rajesh Kotecha – President of Gujarat Ayurvedic University, Jamnagar. At the congress Dr. Kotecha gave a lecture on "Ama - origins, symptoms, treatment and prevention". As we know, each tissue from the position of Ayurveda must have a balanced metabolism, which is indicated by the notion of AgniDhatu. In his report, Dr. Kotecha has shown a relationship between AgniBhuta, JatarAgni, AgniDhatu, justifying an important need in the clinical evaluation for practitioners in the field of Ayurveda. In the near future he will conduct Webinars for VedaPulse users and members of NAMA and form an educational program for Russian Ayurveda specialists in his clinic in Jaipur.

Naturopathy Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger – founder and president of EURAMA (European Association of Ayurvedic Medicine). Over the past 5 years, that scientists have used ECG monitoring and 24-hour recording of heart rate variability (HRV) for his patients, which were appointed the pre-detoxifying therapy to remove Ama. In his observations, he brought interesting facts for characteristic changes of HRV signs, identified in the course of the treatment process, about which he will tell in one of webinars for our users and members of NAMA Association.

Prof. Anup Thakar – Head of the Department of Panchakarma of Gujarat Ayurvedic University. In his report, Professor focuses on the fact that in modern Western medicine there is no theoretical foundations which would allow to identify two polar states – imbalance of regulation systems, that in the Ayurvedic tradition is referred to as a pathological state of doshas - Vikruti, and the imbalance of regulation systems on the background of accumulation in the body of a large number of products with incomplete metabolic cycle, which in Ayurveda is called the Ama state and, accordingly, the state of Sama Dosha. The lecture is dedicated to necessity of finding the modern equivalent for this theory. At this moment, we have an agreement on the formation of the educational program in Gujarat Ayurvedic University for VedaPulse users and members of NAMA.

Prof. Dr. Tanujia Nesari, which made a great report on dravyaguna: "Ayurvedic treatment of food intolerances". Author of numerous books on the adaptation of European food products from the perspective of Ayurvedic tradition.

Prof. Dr. med. Valdis Pirags — He is currently the Chairman of the Latvian Association of Endocrinologists and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes. He is one of the main promoter of Ayurveda in Latvia and the Baltic countries.

I also express my personal gratitude and appreciation to the talented scientist, doctor, and my mentor – Dr. Ram Manohar, for his faith in the need of use of modern technology in Ayurvedic practice, his faith in my technology and assistance in conduction of this study. At the Congress Dr. Ram made a presentation on: "Consistency of fundamental research in Ayurveda: paradigms and perspectives"." Also, he is going to be one of the top experts and give a performance during the forum «ProPulse-2016».

It is worth noting that the whole trip was very important for me and my company, and we had many other meetings with interesting people. Unfortunately, it is impossible to tell about them all. The next point of our tour - the 3rd International Congress of Ayurveda in Milan (Italy).


European Academy of Ayurveda of Mark Rosenberg is one of the largest organizations in Germany, which for 18 years is carrying various educational programs and scientific conferences contributing to the development of Ayurveda in Europe. More than 20 thousand specialists have become students of this Academy. It was founded by Mark Rosenberg and his wife and ally - Kerstin Rosenberg. For many years the academy cooperates with outstanding teachers who share their experience from daily practice. At the end of three years of training, thanks to an affiliate program with Middlesex University, London, students can obtain a «Master of science» degree in the field of traditional medicine. Mr. Rosenberg has already been a guest of our educational project and has given a lecture on "Ayurvedic education in Europe".

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