VedaPulse software update, February 17th, 2017

List of additions and updates:

  • An automatic regime for setting the duration of RR intervals recording was added.
  • "Organ pulse/Chinese scheme" module was updated;
  • "Aromatherapy" module was updated. We corrected the rating, application description and contraindications;
  • "Food supplements" module was updated for foreign versions of the software;
  • Small changes in "Telemetry" module. Now the message about cards sent doesn't wipe out;
  • Small bugs were fixed.

We thank our attentive users for the feedback!

New option of the recording duration selection is a free update which will be available immediately after downloading and installing the latest version of the VedaPulse software. The update of “Organ pulse” module is available by subscription. Read more about subscription at the end of this article.

Automatic selection option of the recording duration

When clicking “Assessment/New assessment” a window called “Monitoring parameters” will pop up offering you to select automatic or manual adjustment of the recording duration. In case of selecting the manual mode, the actions are the same as before: adjust the recording duration manually (the software will suggest 5 minutes by default). In case of using the automatic mode, the recording duration will be determined by the software during the process of recording. For this purpose, the software will be guided not by the time, but by the number of cardio intervals.

For analyzing the cardiointervalogram, the software uses a mathematical method – Fourier spectral transformation based on a binary system, therefore the number of RR-intervals has to be taken from this range: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 and so on.

Moreover, it is important that this number includes the whole wavelength that is evaluated. For example, 128 cardio intervals is enough for calculation of HF-range, 256 cardio intervals are necessary for calculation of LF-range and 512 – for VLF-range. Standard 5-minute recording does not contain so many RR-intervals, that’s why the software has to intercalate (add) the data which can lead to some mistakes in calculations.

In cases when the user needs to get a maximum accurate result, we recommend to use an automatic mode for setting the recording duration. In this case, the recording duration will be more than 5 minutes. For example, if the average heart rate is 60 beats/min, the recording duration will be almost 9 minutes, for the heart rate of 80 beats/min, the duration will be 6.4 minutes. Software uses Fourier spectral transformation in many modules: Spectrum, Organ pulse, Balance, Bioenergy. For accurate calculation of the data in these modules, it is preferable to use automatic regime of selecting the recording duration which ensures the recording of 512 RR intervals.

“Organ pulse/Chinese scheme” module was updated

What changed?

  1. Now the distribution of energy through meridians is shown as a flexible line;
  2. Text description of every channel was added;
  3. The energy of meridians is shown in two graphs: of relative and absolute values of energy;
  4. Paid subscription to the module was introduced.

Detailed explanation of all changes and benefits of the new interface is presented by our expert Leonid Doroshenko, in his article Update of “Organ pulse/Chinese scheme” module

Subscription to the “Organ pulse” module

Starting with this update we move to a new marketing scheme of working with the modules. “Organ pulse” module is the first module which will be distributed by subscription. In order to subscribe to this module:

  • those who already have the previous version of this module – get subscription for one year;
  • those who don’t have this module – buy the license which includes the subscription for the first year.

All users who have purchased the “Organ pulse” module before – already have the license and only need to pay for the subscription.Users who have purchased the “Organ pulse” module before, but don’t want to get the subscription, can continue using the previous version. They will be able to download the updates of the main core of the software without updates of the “Organ pulse”.

In order to get subscription, please contact technical support (

Download “VedaPulse” upgrade to start using new features of the software.

VedaPulse® News