
VedaPulse User Support Center is more convenient than ever before!


The User Support Center is an online portal where everyone can find the necessary information about the work of VedaPulse. When developing the Center, our goal was to create a user-friendly single login window, where all the information that may be required when working with the VedaPulse device will be presented, starting from the moment of installing the program, activating the device, training, and up to the renewal of the subscription or request for technical support.

Let's celebrate the World Ayurveda Day!


On the eve of the annual celebration of Ayurveda Day, which in 2024 will be celebrated around the world on October 29, VedaPulse launches a promotion for new and current users.

School of Microbiota and Functional Biohacking, St. Petersburg. Accomplishments


On September 21-22, over 80 preventive medicine professionals, doctors, nutritionists, and wellness consultants have met in St. Petersburg to attend the School of Microbiota and Functional Biohacking live event. Once again we couldn’t but be impressed by geographic diversity of the participants representing Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Barnaul, and even Uzbekistan and Belarus. The specialists from various Russian regions and neighboring countries joined together to master the technique of functional biohacking and obtain ready-to-use therapeutic protocols for managing systemic low-intensity inflammation through correction of intestinal microbiocenosis disorders.

Fruitful autumn with VedaPulse


What does the coming autumn have in store for us?

Check the main VedaPulse events worth visiting this season.

SPECIAL OFFER! Get the Constitution software module as A GIFT!


In September, the purchase of the VedaPulse kit for a nutritionist is more profitable than ever before, because you additionally get the main VedaPulse diagnostic software module - Constitution (regular price is 600 USD) - for free as a GIFT!

VedaPulse celebrates the 18th anniversary!


VedaPulse celebrates its birthday in August. We thank the professionals and wellness specialists who have been using VedaPulse technologies every day for the recent 18 years to help patients. Today we want to recall the main milestones of the company's development that we have gone through during this time.

Showing 7 to 12 of 131 (22 Pages)

VedaPulse® News