VedaPulse software update, September 12, 2016
List of free updates:
- Update of the Yoga therapy expert extension;
- Corrected some minor software bugs;
- Optimized algorithms of rating calculation for food products and essential oils in Aromatherapy and Diet expert extensions;
- Food supplements module added to the multilanguage version of the VedaPulse.
Schedule of online-events for September 2016
Schedule of online-events for August 2016
Schedule of online-events for July 2016
Here is the announcement of our online-events for July:
- Heart channel, diagnosis and methods of influence;
- Development of Ayurveda and Ayurvedic education in the USA;
- Small Intestine channel, diagnosis and methods of influence;
- Bladder channel, diagnosis and methods of influence;
- Kidney channel, diagnosis and methods of influence;