
The fundamental principles of Indo-Tibetan Medicine which are used in the VedaPulse Digital Pulse Diagnosis


In this article we shall speak how to analyze the VedaPulse surveys from the viewpoint of the Indo-Tibetan Medicine. After testing, the VedaPulse automatically calculates the indicators and displays the graphs ‘Physiological tendencies in body functions regulation’ (VPK) and ‘Meridians’. Both of these graphs reflect the views, which are accepted in the Indo-Tibetan Medicine. The article ‘Therapeutic approach based on body type constitution’ describes the VPK graph and its considering from the viewpoint of modern physiology. So, according to ideas of the Indo-Tibetan Medicine there are three primary forces (Dosha) in the human body: Vata, Pitta, Kapha.

Therapeutic approach based on body type constitution


The uniqueness of device – VedaPulse software calculates the balance of regulatory systems, based on Ayurvedic tradition (Vata, Pitta and Kapha), and generates individual recommendations of individual therapy, with final therapeutic treatment plan.

Stress control


The vast majority of people constantly live in a state of permanent stress without thinking, what dangers it threatens. The information about what level of stress can be dangerous is well documented nowadays, and can be expressed in a form of precise numerical indexes.

Showing 31 to 33 of 33 (6 Pages)

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