
How to update the VedaPulse Professional software?


How to understand that it's time to update the program? We recommend updating the program when each new version is released. We regularly develop the functionality and work to improve the stability of the program. Read in the article how the VedaPulse Professional device users learn about the release of updates and how to update the program, we have prepared for you a step-by-step instruction with illustrations of each stage of the update.

Analyzing the risks for developing complications after COVID-19 by using VedaPulse® Professional


Today, knowing the risks for developing complications due to ARVI for each patient is a must for every health practitioner. Is any of your patients at a higher risk to get a severe disease due to COVID-19 or any other respiratory viral infection? And if this is the case, what measures to undertake for boosting the immunity before meeting the virus?

Let’s look into this scientific report together.

Update of “Organ pulse/Chinese scheme” module


Changes were made both to the design and functionality. Let’s look into all updates one by one.

How I accidentally invented a method of evaluating Chakra energy levels via Heart Rate Variability using Tibetan Singing Bowls


Two years ago I performed a series of experiments evaluating the influence of music on psychophysiological state of humans. I was impressed when I saw how much the music can influence on the heart rhythm. I repeated the experiments over and over again, gave the headphones to yet another participant, turned on the music, started the heart rate recording and watched on the computer screen how cardiointervalogram changes right before my eyes.

“Why Do People Get Sick?” or Useful Newsletters from VedaPulse Team


Everytime we or our relatives get sick, we ask ourselves: “Why?” Got the virus at work or in public transport; caught a draft; all diseases are from nerves and etc.

Today, we would like to give you the understanding of the reasons of disease pathogenesis according to Ayurvedic medical tradition.

VedaPulse - a new milestone of recognition by the leading experts of Ayurveda in India


Once again authentic masters of the ancient Ayurvedic knowledge verified the accuracy of the VedaPulse assessments in constitutional attributes (Doshas, Vikruti). Previously, we have already written about a positive feedback from Ayurvedic experts and below you will find more of it.

Showing 7 to 12 of 33 (6 Pages)

VedaPulse® News